Friday, August 13, 2010



1. "I feel that Jimi is a strong iconic figure that represents peace, love and tranquility among people who are familiar with his music. Through the power of song, Jimi is able to express an infectious sense of calmness. His music helps me all the time. Whenever I am stressed out of my skull I can crank up the volume and let all of my problems drift away. Music is a great coping mechanism, and Jimi’s is the LSD of music. I am very passionate about music and have found an unmatchable sanctuary and inspiration in his music." a piece from Jon Silva's icon project. This is an extraordinarly good piece of writing because it is so descriptive and uses lots of strong words, especially when he says an infectious sense of calmness.

2. The quote at the begining I think is really good and it fits in perfectly with the entire paper.

3. I would go into more detail and research on how being a vigilante could be possible in San Diego because I think that would be really cool.

4. The icons project is important because it makes us dig deeper into ourselves and find out more about ourselves all while learning new ways to write.

Book Review:
1."Throughout the history of America we have had many war heroes dating back to the pilgrims time. But what if American “war heroes” weren’t really heroes at all? What if everything we have been told is a lie? Pat Tillman is an example of a leaked “war hero” that had an elaborate twisted story around an accidental death." A piece from Daniels book review. This intro was really good and got me instantly hooked, I really liked it.

2.I think the best part of my book review was when I made a connection to the book through a quote and explained it.

3. If I had another day I wold probably go into more depth on Chris's personality just because its so complex and interesting.

4. The importance of book reviews can decide weather someone else will read the book or not.

In General...
1. One thing I discovered about my writing is that if I try really hard I can go really deep and make really good writing.

2.One goal for the future is one day I want to write a novel :D.

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