" Hey Shoe!" Called one of the deputies. " We goy us a classic bar fight on our hands, now get you and your dumbo ears in the car and get over to the tavern!"
" Right away Sir" I said with haste, grabbing my jacket while simultaneously buttening on my sherif's badge.
I ran to the car, jumped in and sped away to the ol' saloon. As I got there i immediately saw ol' Jimmy get thrown out the window. I stepped into the saloon, kicking the doors open like a cowboy. As I walked in i could hardly see anything with smoke filling the air. I pulled out my gun and shot it 3 times.
" Now all you listen here, get outta this bar right now or ima go apeshit on your asses!" All the men immediately scrambled for the doors like a heard of cattle trying to escape. When everyone left and the smoke cleared a approached the bar tender to find out the cause, because I am a police man it is the rules to find hte cause.
" So, What the hell happened here?" I said in almost a menacing voice.
" Well," Said the bar tender, still shaking from the brawl. "A black man came in you see, and he came straight up to the bar and asked for a beer." he pointed to where the black man sat. " Now all the boys at the bar got a little restless because of this, and one man came up to him and grabbed him by the collar." "then he said: Boy you best be gettin out o these here parts, aint no room for the colored men around here"
" Go on." I said in a demanding voice.
" Well then the black man punched him, then after all that everything was a blur"
"Well thank you for your time" I said " Good thing you called up, those men coulda burned down this whole here saloon" " I seen them types before, them racists, it aint to pretty what they do"
" No sir it aint" said the bar tender as i was leaving.
" Another job well done Shoe" I said to myself as I stepped back into the car.