" Hey Shoe!" Called one of the deputies. " We goy us a classic bar fight on our hands, now get you and your dumbo ears in the car and get over to the tavern!"
" Right away Sir" I said with haste, grabbing my jacket while simultaneously buttening on my sherif's badge.
I ran to the car, jumped in and sped away to the ol' saloon. As I got there i immediately saw ol' Jimmy get thrown out the window. I stepped into the saloon, kicking the doors open like a cowboy. As I walked in i could hardly see anything with smoke filling the air. I pulled out my gun and shot it 3 times.
" Now all you listen here, get outta this bar right now or ima go apeshit on your asses!" All the men immediately scrambled for the doors like a heard of cattle trying to escape. When everyone left and the smoke cleared a approached the bar tender to find out the cause, because I am a police man it is the rules to find hte cause.
" So, What the hell happened here?" I said in almost a menacing voice.
" Well," Said the bar tender, still shaking from the brawl. "A black man came in you see, and he came straight up to the bar and asked for a beer." he pointed to where the black man sat. " Now all the boys at the bar got a little restless because of this, and one man came up to him and grabbed him by the collar." "then he said: Boy you best be gettin out o these here parts, aint no room for the colored men around here"
" Go on." I said in a demanding voice.
" Well then the black man punched him, then after all that everything was a blur"
"Well thank you for your time" I said " Good thing you called up, those men coulda burned down this whole here saloon" " I seen them types before, them racists, it aint to pretty what they do"
" No sir it aint" said the bar tender as i was leaving.
" Another job well done Shoe" I said to myself as I stepped back into the car.
I like how you portrayed shoe, it was cool that you did someone that we don't know much about and you made him have a real character.
ReplyDeleteI think it was a good idea on talking about Shoe because he barely comes out in the book and people eventually people forget that that character even existed.
ReplyDeletei love how you actually implimented cussing, and used it to give shoe personality, even though they almost never mention him. that's hard.
it was interesting, because you talked like they would have back in those days. when you said "boy you best be getting out of this here parts"