1. I think a hero is defined by the person they are effected by, therefore creating a one perspective that that person was a hero, even tho someone else may perceive someones "good deeds" as bad.
2. Project Description: In this project we were required to pick someone (locally) that we considered a hero in our eyes. We then had to learn what a character sketch was and create one describing how this person is a hero or showing them in their heroic moment.
3.The first step of this project was to pick the person we were going to honor and describe why we were honoring them, after that we had to learn how to write a character sketch. Then we had to write our first draft, have it peer reviewed by Diana's class, then write a second draft. After we wrote our second draft we had to turn it into Charlotte, then she reviewed it, then write our final draft. During all of this we also had to take two different pictures of our hero, one of them in their heroic moment and the second a portrait of them. After we were all finished we pu all of this information into an Adobe InDesign template and turn it into Charlotte.
4. Definetly one thing I learned was how to create a character sketch, and us Adobe InDesign. Really the only challenge I met was meeting deadlines.
5. One of the habits of mind I used was evidence. I had to do alot of research about H1N1 disease and find out alot about it to write my character sketch.
6. This is my Final Character Sketch
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